Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TuneIn Radio Pro APK 5.4

TuneIn Radio Pro APK 5.4, the latest version of the pro version of TuneIn Radio app for Android. It was released on February 3, 2012 on the market. Today this app has been labeled as one of the top paid apps on Google Play Store.

This is the paid version of Tunein Radio. In the free version, this app has been installed by more than 10,000,000 people around the world. And in this pro version they offer over 50,000 stations and 1.2 million programs for you to choose from.

In this version TuneIn fixed many buggy problem of the previous version. They also improved experience in car mode. Improved car mode experience. It lets you listen to your favorite song by giving a command voice into your Android gadget. They made options to auto-restart your last played station and prevent auto lock. And they make easily to access presets, recommended stations and options by swiping left and right.

TuneIn Radio Pro APK 5.4

Get this cool app now by buying it on Google Play Store. You can directly go from the link below.
TuneIn Radio Pro APK 5.4 or try this free version.

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